西瓜视频 offers a full time Careers team to support students, parents and carers in regards to their next steps once they leave the Academy. Located in the centre of the Academy above the main reception, the team operates an open door policy, allowing students to drop in to speak to a member of team.
The Careers Team consists of a Director of Careers, Mr Chris Packham.
She is supported by:
Student Entitlements to Careers Education are set out in a (copies available in the Careers Department). There is a planned programme of Careers Education providing opportunities to develop and apply the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to make realistic career decisions.
For any further information about the Careers Curriculum, please contact Chris Packham - Director of Careers.
西瓜视频 is committed to meet both the Gatsby Bench Marks and the CDI Framework.
Examples of Careers activities linked to Gatsby Benchmarks can be seen below:
Gatsby Benchmark
GSA Careers Activities
A stable careers programme
PSHE/Curriculum/One to one CEIAG
Learning from labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
One to one CEIAG meetings/Connexions
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Curriculum and careers/STEM
Encounters with employers and employees
Employer talks/Assemblies
Experiences of workplaces
Work experience/Work place visits
Encounters with further and higher Education
Assemblies/Careers fairs/FE visits
Personal guidance
Provider Access Policy