
Careers in Year 11

Any Questions about Careers, or generally about your future don’t hesitate to contact Mr Packham.

西瓜视频 or College? BTECs or 'A' Levels?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions, just a need to research all options. ‘A’ Levels are academic qualifications which you can study in a number of different subjects and are mainly examination based. Alternatively, BTECs tend to be more vocational and are mainly assessed through coursework.

When deciding where to study it is important to be realistic and to think about what course and environment will suit your learning style, ambitions and academic ability best.

The Sandwell Council website provides information about your choices post-16 on its .

offer support and guidance for young people in relation to careers.


Apprenticeships are available through both colleges and employer led schemes. The Academy Careers Staff and Colleges will support you to look for opportunities and you should stay in regular contact if you are looking for an opportunity in this area. For more information contact the Academy. Parents are welcome to attend any careers appointment with their son or daughter.

Watch a YouTube Video about how to apply for an Apprenticeship .

Visit the National Apprenticeship Service site for the latest opportunities .

You can search for apprenticeships through a number of different websites.

Labour Market Trends?

The ultimate aim of education is help you access the labour market. Therefore, when deciding what to study it is also important to think about which industries are growing in the local area and which are not.

For more information about Labour Market Trends, .


Today qualifications alone may not be enough to access job opportunities or higher education. Volunteering for just a few hours a week may help make an application form stand out and show an employer/education provider that you have something to offer over and above other potential applicants. For opportunities available in your local area you can log onto .

How Parents Can Support

  • Encourage your son or daughter to consider all options.
  • Look through the sixth form and college prospectuses with your son or daughter to see what options are available.
  • Research the entry requirements for the courses they are interested in, encouraging them to be realistic about their next steps.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to think about their next steps, long term future and how they will use the subjects they have chosen.
  • Discuss your son’s or daughter’s career ideas with their Connexions Personal Adviser, Academy Staff and Career team.
  • Discuss their subjects choices with their teachers to find out how they are progressing and if taking the subject further would be a good idea.
  • Attend sixth form and college open days and evenings with your son or daughter.
  • Encourage them to take part in extra curricular activities, e.g. the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, participate in work experience and/or become a volunteer.

The Skills Employers Want

  • Verbal Communication: The ability to express your ideas confidently in speech.
  • Written Communication: The ability to express yourself clearly in writing.
  • Team Work: The ability to work effectively with other people.
  • Problem Solving: The ability to offer solutions to problems.
  • Time Management: The ability to be punctual, reliable and work to deadlines.
  • Flexibility: The ability to adapt to changing situations.
  • Planning and Organising: The ability to plan activities and carry them out effectively.
  • Drive: The ability and determination to make things happen.
  • Numeracy Skills: The ability to work with numbers.
  • Honesty and Integrity: The ability to be honest and display a good character.

Transition Planning

If you son or daughter has a statement of Special Educational Need they will have a review of their statement every year. The purpose of the review is to make sure the young person’s needs are being met. The typical areas covered within the meeting include:

  • The support the young person needs in school
  • The young person’s career interests and future plans
  • The health and welfare needs of the young person

The young person, parents/carers and representatives from any other agency working with the young person will be invited to participate in the meeting.

When the young person comes to leave the Academy a ‘moving forward’ plan will also be completed. The plan is designed to provide any future education provider with details of the young persons needs in order that they can continue to receive the same level of support at any other institution. Further information can be found at .

Calendar of Things to Do In Year 11


  • Visit the careers office and book a careers appointment.
  • Research your career ideas using . The password is available in the careers department, just ask.

October and November

  • Find out about Academy/College open days/evenings and put them in your diary.
  • Attend the open evening for Academy sixth form and any other colleges you are interested in applying to.
  • Talk to your teachers about your expected grades. If you are worried that you may not get the grades speak to the head of year or careers team and/or your Independent Employment and Training Consultant.
  • Consult the Universities and Colleges Admission Service to find out if you need take any specific subjects to gain a place on your preferred course at university.
  • If you are thinking about popular apprenticeship programmes such as motor vehicle, construction, electrical or childcare start think about applying early as these programmes are very popular.
  • Continue to research your career ideas to make sure you are taking the right subjects for your career choice.
  • Start to think about and draft your personal statement saying why you want to work/study in a certain area, what skills you have and why you think you would be suitable.
  • Hand in your Academy application by the end of November.


  • Send your college applications off by the end of December at the latest.
  • If you are looking at apprenticeships you will also need a back-up plan so applying for a full-time course could be an option. Apprenticeships are competitive and there are no guarantees.


  • Begin to search for and make applications for apprenticeships and jobs which start in the summer.
  • You can search for apprenticeships by using the following websites:, and
  • Keep in regular contact with the careers team and your Independent Employment and Training Consultant who will support you in making applications and writing your personal statements.

March – July

  • Continue to search and apply for apprenticeship opportunities. The more effort you place into your search the greater chance of success.
  • Stay in contact with the careers team and Independent Employment and Training Consultant .


  • Collect your GCSE results. If your grades are lower/higher than expected or you have changed your mind speak to Academy Staff, Careers Team, or Independent Employment and Training Consultant.
  • Good luck for the future